The artist group TeeToTuM and the the organization katARTi, organize the international exhibition “COMMON GROUND”
Concept The world today presents an interesting duality as it seems to shrink but at the same time remaining huge. Human mobility from place to place and the communication media create the proper conditions for this situation. A great number of people are uprooted from their homes violently and others are forced to move to a different country in search of asylum while nurturing the hope of a better life. There is a common ground buried deeply in the midst of every conflict. A place of harmony-unfortunately not always-co-existence in a strange environment. What can consist common ground? Childhood, love, pain, death. Experiences which prove to have a great relation to each other, very often especially similar independently of the background of each person and essentially weave bonds visible or invisible with them. In this common ground very often the contradictions which occur, the distance in each other’s views may help to create opportunities for dialogue. Social obstacles today must definitely be overcome in a constantly changing world and the sense of connection between people must be reinforced. In order to support and aid human beings in need. No matter what our personal beliefs maybe, the common ground forms the premise that we can share our common interests for personal and social development the will and the spirit willing to reconsider, to contribute and to create at last a better reality. The earth after all is the common ground for mutual understanding, tolerance and coexistence. Art as a universal form of expression may fulfill multiple roles and beyond local differences, the essential similarities dominate the result being the cultivation of a collective conscience and the activation of participation in common goals. The objective is the different ways artists may approach this idea in order to express ways they understand common ground and may even propose new ways to reach it.